Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sat., April 23-Second Assignment Photo Basics--Seagulls!!

Okay it seems silly to post pictures of seagulls, but I didn't have better subjects this week!  We went to  First Dam and the seagulls were particularly active--being bullies really...flapping their wings to scare other birds from the bread we were throwing.  I got a lot of action shots, and had a hard time choosing just one... (Blurred action...)

"Walking on Water"                    S1/100 F20 ISO 200

And after all their scrabbling and sqawking...I thought how very serene this one looks.... (frozen action)

"Serenity"              S1/1000 F4,2 ISO 200
 I panned a couple of passing vehicles just for the practice, and this is the picture I am turning in.  I really wanted to get a panned picture of my Black Lab, so later I tried that.  I include that picture as a "blooper" pic.  : )
Panning           S1/40  F36 ISO 200

The difficulty in panning living images, compared to vehicles, is that in addition to their forward movement, they have up and down movement.  Our sweet, mild Jada opening her mouth wider in hopes of getting the frisbee--during the slow shutter--created a nightmare-looking dog with the distortion of the teeth and mouth.  We really laughed.

                                            "Nightmare"  S1/50 F22 200 ISO
"Pink water"    S1/4000   F2.8
  I just bought a new 50 mm lens...Why did it turn my water pink???  (It's interesting, though...)  OH...Now that I post the stats...I notice my aperature was wide open....too much sun???


  1. The picture of Jada cracks me up! What a wild thing! The second picture is very peaceful and serene. I like the waterfall too, even with the pink sparkles! Good job!

  2. I love the seagulls! That one is so serene. And you did a nice job with the panning...I thought that was difficult to do.

  3. Whoa! And you let that crazy animal into your house? Haha. Awesome pictures! Good job!

  4. Barbra --

    I had to laugh at the picture of your Jada! I came up with something similar one day when taking photos of my Sydnie, who is about as mild mannered as they come! The frozen motion photo of the seagull is beautiful. I was wanting to try photos of birds, as well, so may have to go out and try those this week! Great submissions.
