All three days of Baby Animal Days at the Heritage Farm was horrible weather...We kept hoping for a clearing, so we ended up on a Saturday, when it was either "go or forget it" for the year. The snow stopped for a bit, so Papa and I ran and got Hudson. The closer we drove to Wellsville, the harder it snowed. I can live with snow...BUT THE MUD! Oh my, we felt so sorry for young mothers we saw struggling with toddlers in hand, and pushing babies in the strollers which were mired in mud. Because of my small town upbringing with having baby chicks, baby pigs, etc....I want my grandchildren to experience baby animals. I would like to say despite the bad weather it was worth it, but I just can't. It is because of the cost, added to almost an hour and a half wait in line, to seeing baby animals that had all been moved into one barn to keep warm, for TEN MINUTES. No, Mandy was right. It was not worth it, although we did have moments of enjoyment.
"Grandma, get in with me!_
We all got pretty wet, even with an umbrella
(which we only had access to because I keep it routinely in my trunk).
The lines were horrendous, and they advised us not to walk to the barn--but to ride in their wagons-- because the mud was so bad--instead Papa had Hudson travel on top, and we made the walk to try to get there a little quicker. The mud seemed "bad" but was nothing compared to when we got to the barn--it was so deep there you could lose your shoes in it--and they had the lines going right through it. (Note the pictures of the gunfight and see what we were standing in for the long wait.)
(I think at one point they had put down wood chips, but they were useless--straw would have been better.)
The happy moments.....
The draw that brought in the millions of people in line (seemed like it) were the baby bears...we weren't allowed to get very close, but they were fun to watch...
For part of the long wait in line, I took Hudson to the mercantile to try to stay dry and left Papa out in the mud in line.
We had just left the mercantile when two desperados came in and robbed it!!
I was just outside and helped the people yell for the sheriff.
This was a little scary for Hudson, and he didn't understand it was just a was the main thing he told his mom about when he got home. There was a lot of shooting, and cordite smell and smoke hung in the air and enveloped us...
We were happy to make the long walk to head home!