Friday, January 18, 2013

Photo Class- UofU--Creating True Emotion

 Robyn and I went and stayed with Jen and Andrew Thursday night.  They made us the most wonderful bean soup, and then we played games.  We got up early in the morning and went to our photoclass.  It was so much fun, and we learned a lot!

Robyn at Class

We were each other's models....
Teacher's depth of field on tile floor....Cool!

Finding light in the ficus
Yes, I can pan....

I can freeze action...

I can freeze double action....

I can do it mixed...Nice when the teachers will keep running!
Of course, there is always paparazzi when you do well!


  1. Good pictures! And some funny ones too. What great teachers to keep running around so you could take their pictures. And what's the deal with the bottom photo? It cracked me up!

  2. We were happy to have you guys! You need to come stay more often. Maybe more photo classes? I'm wondering about your paparazzi pic too! Looks like it was a great class!
