Monday, January 7, 2013

Kats--or Baby Its Cold Outside!

 This week we have been extremely cold in Cache County....The lowest was probably -15 degrees....So none of us like to go out..... (We were excited when it felt balmy--it was 13 degrees....With luck it will start to warm up a LOT more)....Since cats don't want to go out, they need other entertainment....

Blonco Dream Playing Peggle on the xbox.....
Taking warm and cuddly naps.....Quite a bit!

VERY relaxed!
  Just looking pretty!
         Being a guard cat....

 Sometimes there are disagreements when everyone has cabin fever.... her serious look to the Crazy Kats!

Blonco, Watson and Atari

Birds in a bush have everyone's favorite kind of hunting, when no one gets hurt....
(We tell people having two cats is okay, but if you have three are a crazy cat lady!  Atari stayed out so much, I forgot I had one, when we got two other kittens....OH MY!  I'M A CRAZY CAT LADY!   How did that happen?

So, some days the cats have what we call Kat Madness or Kat Terrors...where they are flying off walls, racing around furniture, and attacking ANYTHING that moves--I have had the glass in a picture frame shattered, chairs tipped over, an end table crashing to the floor--halfway through my mediation....not very relaxing when you jump two feet from a big bang nearby!
Poor Chewey keeps sitting on my lap saying....PLEASE save me from those cats!  Yes, we are all hoping it warms up!

Save me from Kats!