Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday, May 14-Fifth Photo Assignment....

Using Natural Light Indoors:

I couldn't help but focus on the beautiful flowers my girls gave me for mother's day:

Window-lit Still life (the flowers are backlit by the window):

F1.8 S1/320 ISO400
 Silhouette in a window:

F1.8 S1/4000 ISO200
 My favorite subject with me at McDonalds!  (living subject, side lit next to large windows)

F2.8 S1/1250 ISO400


  1. I love the flower photo! My 87 year old mother makes cards with flower photos....she would love that one! What a great idea to take it with your window as your backdrop!

  2. What beautiful flowers!! I'm bummed because I didn't get my homework done this week -- glad we have a makeup week! -- but delighted to look at everyone's submissions. As always, you've done a fantastic job! That ice cream looks super good! LOL!

  3. Those are beautiful flowers! Hudson looks pretty thoughtful. :)
