Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sat., 8-27-11-Babysitting Heroes

Mandy & Ross look cute for their date with friends in Ogden....
Mandy & Ross
Gr-Ma buys action Heroes for herself and Hudson to play with (and a ducky for Dawson)
Dawson singing
Hudson and Gr-Ma ran to get pizza...but Gr-Ma has a quick stop at Wal-Mart.  As we pull in Hudson says, "I need a haircut."  Oh, so we got him one!  I'm not sure he enjoys the process, though.  Part way through, I said, "Mommy and daddy are going to be so surprised."  The girl stopped cutting, and sharply said, "His parents don't know?!"  I told her it was okay.  Whew.  Then Hudson got a sticker for being so good.  As I paid, I heard her question, "You want a flower sticker?"  When we were out of the store, Hudson gave it to me and said,
"Gr-Ma, I got this for you!"  What a sweetie!  At the pizza place, he said he needed to carry my purse because it was so heavy for me.  It was bigger than him.  After he struggled almost to the door, he asked if I could help a little.   My purse is super heavy...I suspect he's seen Bob carry it for me.
 He is such a little gentleman, though.
 Dawson loves to sing.  His favorite song appears to be just E-I-E-I-O, which he sings over, and over, and over, and get the idea.  While we babysat, he would climb up in the nook, sing, and watch for us to clap or cheer, then come running when the Rio movie we were watching sounded scary...Then back to the nook for more love and adoration of his talents.  He also sings Boom-de-ah-dah, and the Star Wars theme, which I think he learned from Hudson!
We had a very fun night!


  1. nephews are SO stinking adorable! Love what a gentleman Hudson is and how musical Dawson is!

  2. That EIEIO montage is so cute! How did you do it? Thanks for babysitting. I was a little worried being gone so long, but clearly you guys are pros!
